Radical Optimism (Clear Vinyl)
Hoje é o melhor dia para comprar Radical Optimism (Clear Vinyl) com aquele preço que você procura e ainda com as melhores condições!
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- Todos os preços mencionados acima são em Brazilian real.
- Este produto está disponível em Mercadolivre, Amazon.com.br, Shopee.
- Em mercadolivre.com.br você pode comprar o Dua Lipa - Radical Optimism Novo CD 2024 Versão Standard do Álbum por apenas R$ 71,99
- O preço mais baixo de Dua Lipa Radical Optimism Clear Vinyl New Import Standard Album Version foi obtido em 29/10/2024 17:42.
Radical Optimism (Clear Vinyl)
Inspired by Dua’s own self-discovery, Radical Optimism is an album that taps into the pure joy and happiness of having clarity in situations that once seemed impossible to face. The hard goodbyes and vulnerable beginnings that previously threatened to crush your soul, become milestones as you choose optimism and start to move with grace through the chaos. Infused with the energy of Dua’s hometown, London, the attitude of the album embodies the rawness, honesty, confidence and freedom of ‘90s Britpop. Radical Optimism transports its listener to a dreamy pop world rich in musicality, lyrically unapologetic and sonically liberating. The 3x GRAMMY and 7x Brit Award-winning global pop powerhouse worked with a team of core collaborators throughout the project including Caroline Ailin, Danny L. Harle, Tobias Jesso Jr. and Kevin Parker.
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460 avaliações para Radical Optimism (Clear Vinyl)
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Robert Thieuleux –
Non servono parole per descrivere questo capolavoro. Non smetteresti mai di ascoltarlo.
Artista straordinaria non c’è che dire
J –
I preordered the album on March 20, and the curacao blue vinyl is what was advertised at the time, and that is the version I received. It seems like not many others received the blue vinyl…
J –
A mídia não pôde ser carregada.
Llegó en excelentes condiciones, bien empaquetado y me encanta que sea la versión de portada lenticular, es uno de los…
André –
Ce n’est pas une chanteuse , c’est une grande Artiste . J’ai tous ses albums , pour moi celui-ci est le meilleur!!
J’espère qu’elle continuera sur sa lancée . Dommage pour la pochette cartonnée…
Discomaniac –
I love Dua Lipa, she’s an original artist that makes her own style of music. To be honest I liked her previous two albums better and I expected much more from her. She has so many more great…